HYDROTAP.PL - Twój zaufany serwis dystrybutorów wody
Brand / Client:
Hydrotap Serwis
Warsaw, Poland
Audit | UX/UI
The main goal of websit
The biggest challenge
To meet specific client’s requirements about design and create website view for teams, couches and administrator (client).
Logo and sponsors’ banners should be well presented at the top and bottom of each page.
Content should be divided into main pages for better navigation on the website. Logged users have also access to managing their accounts and joining/creating tournaments.
Home page – all needed informations and shorts
Contact number and location should be easily accesible for users – placed in the top bar and in the footer section.
Services – categories presented in visually appealing way, linked to separated listed services
Pricing – listed and divided into categories, presented in easy-to-read way
About us – short and simple with pictures of clinic, also added contact datas
Contact – all needed contact informations and location
Tools of choice
UX design and protyping part
icons, buttons and components
Team | Coach
Easy switch between team and coach account
Internal chat
Acces to chat on every page of the website
IG | FB | Mail | X
Buttons to share team or tournament details
Intuitive navi
Consistent design of CTA buttons, simple navigation
Apple | Google | Facebook
Additional logging methods via Google, Facebook or ICloud account